Ahhhhh - this takes me back. Remember that show day during the Coveside Classic, when braids were excused because of the downpour? I remember it raining quite a bit this day - but somehow, someway, all my riders in Childrens & Adults went back to back and all got their rides in during that 1-2hours where the rain actually held off. I swear, it was a miracle of some sort - at least is certainly felt that way at the time!
It's always a highlight of the horseshow for me when I get to watch Gabrielle's rounds with El Seunos Cantalupi (owned by Horseplay Stables). She's all smiles and always has such a positive attitude at the show. They showed in Children's for the first time during the 2023 season; a step up from Mod's the year before.
Q: What do you look forward to the most in this upcoming 2024 season?
A: This show season I look forward to having lots of fun with Lupi and the barn family (Horseplay) at shows.
Helmet: One K, Braids: Katie Gloade, Tack: Butet & Antares, Coach: Danica Ellis, Venue: Coveside Stables